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Monday, October 27, 2008

The Function Of Magnet's Bracelet

The Bracelet(Stainless Steel) @Rp180.000 Consist of:

Function Therapy Magnet to health:
- Smoothing blood circulation
- Overcoming stress, migrant, vertigo, decelerate cell's aging, repair heart function to black out sediment in circulation system lessen to feel pain & infection.
- improving body stamina & impenetrability of body.
- improving the ability of seks

Infra Red (FIR) Function:
- for the symptom of blood-vessel stroke, asam-urat, hypertensi, migran, sinusitis, cholesterol & insomnia improve function of system halfblooded [of] woman
- improving stamina & vitality.
- improving eyesight function & nerve cell.
- activating various function of biologis human being body
- Fat's Burning
*Infra Red represent the part of Sunlight required to assist to overcome digestive trouble, repair liver function & heart function, lung, liver, kidney.
Type the word u don't know or find some information here


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Healthy Stainless Steel Bracelet

Only Rp. 180.000,-
Model 11

Model 13

Model 14

Model 15

Model 16

Model 17

Model 18

Model 19

Model 20

Model 01 (SOLD OUT)

Model 02 (SOLD OUT)

Model 03(SOLD OUT)

Model 04 (SOLD OUT)

Model 05 (SOLD OUT)

Model 06 (SOLD OUT)

Model 07 (SOLD OUT)

Model 08 (SOLD OUT)

Model 09 (SOLD OUT)

Model 10 (SOLD OUT)

*Click the image for large image

Model 12 (SOLD OUT)

*For SOLD OUT Bracelet, you can make a Order first, and we will contact you ASAP if we have a Stock...^_^


Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Causes Of High Cholesterol

Do you have high cholesterol?

You're not alone—so do about 100 million other Americans. High cholesterol comes from a variety of sources, including your family history and what you eat. Here is a visual journey through the most common causes.

The Diet

Eating too much saturated fat (like the kind found in this classic breakfast) can cause high cholesterol. You will find this unhealthy fat in foods that come from animals. Beef, pork, veal, milk, eggs, butter, and cheese contain saturated fat. Packaged foods that contain coconut oil, palm oil, or cocoa butter may have a lot of saturated fat. You will also find saturated fat in stick margarine, vegetable shortening, and most cookies, crackers, chips, and other snacks.

Your Weight

Your beer belly isn't just bad for your social life. Being overweight may increase triglycerides and decrease HDL, or good cholesterol. Losing that gut can go a long way toward improving your beach bod, too.

Activity Level

Hey, get off that couch and get moving. Lack of physical activity may increase LDL, or bad cholesterol, and decrease HDL, or good cholesterol.

Age And Gender

After you reach age 20, your cholesterol levels naturally begin to rise. In men, cholesterol levels generally level off after age 50. In women, cholesterol levels stay fairly low until menopause, after which they rise to about the same level as in men.

Your overall health

Don't skip your annual physical, and be sure to have your doc explain your heart disease risk. Having certain diseases, such as diabetes or hypothyroidism, may cause high cholesterol.

Your family history

Aren't they cute? But they can be dangerous, even when they're not gossiping about each other. If family members have high cholesterol, you may also.

Cigarette smoking

Come on, you already know this one. Smoking can lower your good cholesterol. And it can kill you. So why not QUIT?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sleeping Psychology

Tell This Blog To All Your Friends,
And See What Kind Of Sleepers They Are!!!